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List of places
- AUTUMN Brno, Elementary Art School Charbulova
- FEATHER PLAY Brno, Elementary Art School in Charbulova
- FROM THE SHELL Brno, Elementary Art School Charbulova
- I SOUND WITH HIM Brno, Elementary Art School Charbulova
- OPEN YOUR EYES NOW Brno, Elementary Art School Charbulova
- SHINING AS THE SUN Dance Company Větřice, Brno, Elementary Art School in Charbulova
- SPRING IS BACK Brno, Elementary Art School Charbulova
- THE CROW FLIES Brno, Elementary Art School Charbulova
- GENTLE TOUCHES Černošice, Elementary Art School
- BLUE SECRET Červený Kostelec, Elementary Art School
- CRYSTALLIZATION Akordy, Červený Kostelec, Elementary Art School
- EXPLORERS Červený Kostelec, Elementary Art School
- LITTLE BLUE BIRDS Červený Kostelec, Elementary Art School
- MILLSTONE Červený Kostelec, Elementary Art School
- NO BEES NO HONEY, NO WORK NO MONEY Červený Kostelec, Elementary Art School
- TREMBLING Červený Kostelec, Elementary Art School
- WE MIGHT HAVE MULTIPLIED Červený Kostelec, Elementary Art School
- WHERE IS THE SCREECHER Chodov, Elementary Art School
- SPACE FANTASY Dobřany, Elementary Art School of J. S. Bach
- BAROQUE VARIATIONS Dobřichovice, Studio of dance and movement education
- DANCING IN THE RAIN Dobřichovice, Dance studio
- TOUCHES Havlíčkův Brod, Private Elementary Art School
- FLUFF OF DANDELIONS Hodonín, Elementary Art School
- THE FRENCH ONE Horní Slavkov, Elementary Art School and Elementary School
- FERA IN NOBIS (IN THE WILD NATURE) Flash, Jaroměř, Elementary School Na Ostrově and Sokol
- MAGICALITY Jihlava, Elementary Art School
- FLYING CROW, DOES NOT HAVE CHILDREN Jilemnice, Elementary Art School
- AUTUMN TIME Karlovy Vary, Elementary School and Elementary Art School
- BEHIND THE HORIZON Karlovy Vary, Elementary School and Elementary Art School
- FIGHT FOR SPACE MLS, Karlovy Vary, DDM (House for children and the youth)
- HULJET Karlovy Vary, Elementary School and Elementary Art School
- HUSH Karlovy Vary, Elementary School and Elementary Art School
- IN THE GRASS Karlovy Vary, Elementary Art School and Elementary School
- LEAVING THE NEST Karlovy Vary, Elementary School and Elementary Art School
- LITTLE SWALLOWS Karlovy Vary, Elementary School and Elementary Art School
- MELUSINE Karlovy Vary, Elementary School and Elementary Art School
- MORAVIAN DUETS Karlovy Vary, Elementary School and Elementary Art School
- SPRING WATERS Karlovy Vary, Elementary School and Elementary Art School
- FROM BUBBLE TO BUBBLE Klášterec nad Ohří, Elementary Art School
- SIGNS OF ZODIAC Klecany, Elementary Art School
- IN THE DUVETS Králíky-Červená Voda, Elementary Art School
- SCARF PLAY Krnov, Elementary Art School
- SMALL GAMES WITH LITTLE ANIMALS Krnov, Elementary Art School
- THE BELL’S ONE Taxmen, Krnov
- THEY TALKED AND TALKED AND TALKED… Lanškroun, Elementary Art School of Jindřich Praveček
- SPINDLES Mikulov, Elementary Art School
- THERE WAS LIGHT IN HER ARMFUL Mikulov, Elementary Art School
- DING DONG Nové Město nad Metují, Elementary Art School of Bedřich Smetana
- LITTLE WIVES Nový Jičín, Elementary Art School
- MY DEAR OREGANO Nový Jičín, Elementary Art School
- V = 4/3 π r 3 Nový Jičín, Elementary Art School
- SIGNPOSTS Saltatio, Pardubice-Polabiny, Elementary Art School
- FOREST RESONANCE Pilsen, Elementary Art School of B. Smetana
- SCHOOL GAMES Pilsen, Elementary Art School of B. Smetana
- WHAT HAPPENS IN THE GRASS Pilsen, Elementary Art School of B. Smetana
- TOGETHER Mini Intro, Postřelmov, Dance Company
- MEMORY Bosí (Barefoot), Prague, Dance Studio
- RESTLESS SURFACE Bosí (Barefoot), Prague, Dance Studio
- AS THE WIND Prague 8, Elementary Art School Klapkova
- ONCE I DREAMT OUT LOUD Prague 8, Elementary Art School Klapkova
- THE EARTH Prague 8, Elementary Art School Klapkova
- THE TIME OF CHERRY BLOSSOMS Prague 8, Elementary Art School Klapkova
- IT MOVES Prague-South (Jižní Město), Elementary Art School
- THE POSSIBILITY OF ESCAPE Rajhrad, Elementary Art School
- HOW DANDELIONS CAME TO THIS WORLD Magdaléna, Rychnov u Jablonce nad Nisou, Dance and movement studio
- I'M STANDING IN YOUR PALM Magdaléna, Rychnov u Jablonce nad Nisou, Dance and movement studio
- A MOMENT IN MY PALM MANAZ, Sedlčany, Elementary Art School
- AVARA Sedlčany, Elementary Art School
- MY WORLD Sedlčany, Elementary Art School
- COW SHEPARD Šumperk, Elementary Art School
- DIVIDE US Šumperk, Elementary Art School
- SOONER THAN… AYO Dance, Tachov, Elementary Art School
- SOUNDS OF SILENCE Tachov, Elementary Art School
- MAKE SOUND! Okolo, Ústí nad Labem, Elementary Art School of Eva Randová
- RIBBONAGE Okolo, Ústí nad Labem, Elementary Art School of Eva Randová
- THE CONNECTION LINE Okolo, Ústí nad Labem, Elementary Art School of E. Randová
- RISE, RISE SUN Ústí nad Orlicí, Elementary Art School of Jaroslav Kocián
- BRANCH CLENCHED BY LITTLE CLAWS Veselí nad Moravou, Elementary Art School
- BAOBABS Vodňany, Elementary Art School
- DIFFERENT GEOMETRY Vodňany, Elementary Art School
- MOSQUITOS Vodňany, Elementary Art School
- WINTER LULLABY Vsetín, Elementary Art School
- DIFFERENCIES Gen, Žďár nad Sázavou, Elementary Art School
- WACKY AND CRACKY Gen, Žďár nad Sázavou, Elementary Art School
- BEADS Zlín-Malenovice, Elementary Art School